Armocromia - Seasonal Color Analysis
Seasonal Colour Analysis is a tool designed to help you figure out the colours that have synergy with your eye, hair and skin colour in a way that wearing these colours will make you look brighter, younger and more beautiful
150 EUR
Face Shape Analysis
You will learn how to enhance your facial features with the right choice of accessories, necklines and hairstyle.
60 EUR
Body Shape Analysis
The Body Shape Analysis helps identify your body shape and your barycentre proportions, so you will recognise which garments will enhance your strengths and mask your eventual weaknesses.You will then discover all the right pieces for you, such as specific types of trousers, skirts, dresses, blouses and shirts, coats and jackets, plus all the ideal accessories, including bags, shoes, belts, etc.
For men, I will guide you in selecting all the additions that will boost your look, including watches, neckties, scarves, shoes, belts.
200 EUR
Personal Styling
We will create the perfect bespoke look for you, following your taste and your personal requests. The service is ideal both for the everyday look and also for a special occasion, such as a wedding, a work event or simply because you feel like you want to make an astonishing impact at a dinner date.
250 EUR/Hr.
Personal Shopping
Going shopping is not your thing? You don’t have time or you struggle choosing the right garments, combinations and the right looks for your figure and your personal and work needs? I will personally take you to the right stores accordingly to your style and budget or I will take care of the whole process for you, so you will not be burdened with stepping foot in any shop.
250 EUR/Hr.
*monthly subscription available
Gift shopping
Do you want to surprise someone with a special gift? Without looking too obvious or predictable? Or you simply don’t have the time to think about it? I will take care of the whole process accordingly to your budget and your personal requests.
250 EUR/Hr.
Complete Wardrobe Revitalisation
We will reinvent, enhance and reorganise your seasonal wardrobe, optimising the spaces with little tricks, making the most out of your closet. There will also be an evaluation of the garments that you already own in order to create new looks, coherent with your style and personality, saving time and money. We will then identify and remove the unused, aged and unnecessary items (only if it’s pointless keeping them) and also the ones that do not help improve your appearance. At the end, it will feel like having a brand new wardrobe
1700 EUR (Min.1 full day)
*The Complete Wardrobe Revitalisation should take place after a colour, face and body shape consultancy
Wardrobe Reorganisation
We will reorganise your seasonal wardrobe, also optimising the spaces with little tricks, assessing all the individual garments, such as bags, shoes and accessories that you already possess. You will get rid of the unused, aged and unnecessary items (only if it’s pointless keeping them) and also the ones that do not help enhance your image
750 EUR 1/2 day
1400 EUR Full day
*Recommended after the Complete Wardrobe Revitalisation, when there will be a greater understanding of the creation of looks suitable for your style and personality
- Color Analysis + Face Shape Analysis 190 EUR
- Color Shape Analysis + Body Shape Analysis 330 EUR
- Face Shape Analysis + Body Shape Analysis 240 EUR
- Color Analysis + Face Shape Analysis + Body shape Analysis 380 EUR
- Color+Face Shape+Body Shape Analysis + Complete Wardrobe Revitalisation 2000 EUR (1 full day) +400 EUR each additional half day
- Color + Face Shape + Body Shape Analysis + Wardrobe Reorganisation. 1050 EUR 1/2 day reorganisation. 1700 EUR full day reorganisation
*also depending on the wardrobe size
Styling Service monthly subscription starting from 200 Chf
Installment payment available
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